Wright-Pierce has earned an ACEC-NH Engineering Excellence Award for proactive infiltration/inflow (I/I) evaluation and remediation to protect the City of Dover, NH’s wastewater collection system assets and support economic development in this mill city of 32,000.
City Deputy Director, Bill Boulanger, accepted the award at the recent ACEC awards luncheon and acknowledged the City’s decade long partnership with the engineering team at Wright-Pierce. “A system-wide flow monitoring program conducted by Wright-Pierce strategically narrowed in on the problem sources of I/I that have been troubling our aging system, enabling very focused, cost-efficient remediation we can accomplish more quickly.”
(L to R) William Boulanger, Deputy Director, City of Dover, NH, Wastewater Superintendent; Alex Koutroubas, Executive Director, ACEC-NH; Laurie Perkins, PE, Horizontal Infrastructure Assessment Group Leader, Wright-Pierce.
About ACEC
American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) is the voice of America’s engineering industry. With roots dating back more than 100 years, ACEC is a federation of 52 state and regional councils representing more than 600,000 engineers, architects, land surveyors and other specialists. The ACEC primary mission is to strengthen the business environment for member firms through government advocacy, political action, and business education.
About Wright-Pierce
Wright-Pierce is a multi-discipline engineering firm specializing in water, wastewater, and infrastructure services for public and private clients. Founded in 1947, Wright-Pierce is employee-owned and has a staff of more than 200 engineers and support professionals located in eight offices throughout New England and Florida.