June 18, 2024 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

An event for decision-makers, managers, and researchers to learn about and discuss science-based solutions to address coastal challenges in the Cape and Islands region. This year the focus is on action for watershed water quality restoration and highlight local case studies that apply and evaluate traditional and alternative methods to reduce nutrients in Cape Cod watersheds.
Our Strategic Advisor Michael Giggey will be presenting with members of the Pleasant Bay Alliance, “Better Understanding the Watershed Planning Process Through Local Case Studies.” This will include key components of Pleasant Bay’s Watershed Permit Project focusing on elements that are readily transferrable to towns forming their own collaborations. The talk will highlight both the lessons learned and questions that remain after adaptively managing the watershed permit for six years. Full agenda can be found here. To learn more about Mike’s expertise and history of serving water quality needs in the Cape region, read our Insight article.
Also in attendance will be Regional Group Leader Lou Ragozzino, Wastewater Project Manager Andrew Smith, and Engineer Noelle Noons. Stop by our tabletop display to learn about and discuss solutions that our engineers can implement for your watershed water quality restoration needs.
Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve