February 25, 2020
8:00 am
3:30 pm
Join Wright-Pierce as the Connecticut Section of the American Water Works Assocation (CTAWWA) hosts its 24th Annual Technical Conference and Vendor Exposition (ATCAVE). Featured technical class tracks include water quality and treatment; distribution and storage; and management, while the Vendor Expo offers the chance to see the latest in water technology. Stop by our booth at the Vendor Expo to learn more about Wright-Pierce’s work in CT!
Don’t miss out on earning TCHs at the following Wright-Pierce presentations:
Session A-1: Water Quality and Treatment, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
“Coventry Well – Bringing a New Groundwater Source Online Located within a 100-year Flood Zone” presented by Amy Coppers-Costantino, PE
Session B-2: Distribution and Storage, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
“Improved Distribution System Resiliency -New Water Storage Tank Case Study” presented by Barry Parfitt, PE and
Mariusz Jedrychowski, PE