February 6, 2018 @ 8:00 am – February 7, 2018 @ 3:30 pm

The MWUA annual meeting brings together interesting technical sessions with exhibitors and technology demonstrations. Several our water engineering staff will be in attendance, and we will be giving the following presentations:
- “Development of a New Radial Collector Well,” by Greg Smith (Session 13, 2/6 at 2:30 pm)
- “Nitrogen in Casco Bay–Trends, Recent MEPDES Permits and Experience from Southern New England,” by Chris Dwinal, along with Angela Brewer from Maine DEP and Scott Firmin from Portland Water District (Session 14, 2/6 at 3:45 pm)
- “How to Develop an Effective Master Plan,” by Jeff Musich (Session 21, 2/7 at 9:15 am)
New this year, there will be a Silent Auction to support the Maine Water Utilities Scholarship Fund, and we are looking forward to contributing a fun item for folks to bid on.