There’s a lot going on at this great #NEWWASpring regional event, including more than 18+ concurrent technical sessions, the “Hydrant Hysteria” Competition, career fair, young professionals networking event, and much more! Stop by Booth 920 to chat with our engineers, and earn TCH’s at the following Wright-Pierce presentations:
Session 1, 10:30 AM
“Indian Head Heights Water Storage Tank Replacement” presented by Jose Alvarez Corena, PhD, PE, City of Framingham, MA, and Brianna Wentworth, EIT and Brian Messner, PE, Wright-Pierce
Session 7, 2:30 PM
“Building Resiliency in Surface Water Supply Systems: Low Lift Pump Station Upgrades” presented by Karl Duffield
Session 10, 3:00 PM
“A Regional Approach to Water Supply – A Florida Case Study for New England” presented by Kathleen Gierok, PE, Greg Taylor, PE, and Benjamin Yoakum, PhD, EIT
Session 12, 9:00 AM
“The Long Road to Improved Water Quality in Topsfield” presented by James Cray, PE
Session 13, 9:30 AM
“Coventry Well – Bringing a New Groundwater Source Online Located Within a 100-year Flood Zone” presented by Amy Coppers-Costantino, PE