March 13, 2022 – March 16, 2022

Featuring more than 170 technical sessions, competitions for operators, and an exhibit hall showcasing the latest products and services, SCEC provides continuing education and networking opportunities for water professionals. Attend the following Wright-Pierce presentations at this year’s event:
Back to the Basics: Why is it Important to Understand the Life and Death of Bacteria in Your Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes?” presented by Dong-Uk Lee, PhD, PE, BCEE during Session M-2: Wastewater Treatment on Monday, March 14 at 10:50 AM
“Implementation of Nutrient Removal Upgrades in Cranston, RI: A Phased Approach to Achieving Effluent Limits Entering the Pawtuxet River Helps Control Capital Improvement Costs” presented Steven Hallowell, PE during Session T-4: Biological Nutrient Removal on Tuesday, March 15 at 10:25 AM