Following an audit of Wright-Pierce’s safety program by ISN, Wright-Pierce is now an active contractor in the ISNetworld network by achieving an overall safety score of B (on an A through F scale). This rating was based on a ranking of safety statistics, written safety program, safety culture questionnaire, experience, and performance evaluation as compared with industry standards. Wright-Pierce’s written safety program received a score of 100%.

Wright-Pierce has always endeavored to provide its employees a safe work environment by requiring adherence to policies, procedures, and practices that facilitate safe working conditions and participation in a rigorous safety training/testing program. This ISN rating demonstrates that Wright-Pierce’s efforts meet the safety and risk management standards of the consulting engineering industry.

What is ISN and ISNetworld?

ISN is a global organization that reviews health, safety, quality, insurance, training, and cybersecurity information for contractors and suppliers in the ISNetworld platform. Their Review and Verification Services (RAVS) Team verifies and evaluates information submitted by contractors and suppliers to assess its accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. The ISNetworld platform serves as a place to share industry best practices and standards and benchmark performance with the goal of managing risk and contributing to a safe workplace for everyone.

The Audit Process

Wright-Pierce began the ISN audit at the request of a client. The detailed and time-intensive process involved a team of Wright-Pierce personnel, including engineers and support staff, working in tandem with Wright-Pierce Safety Coordinator Brett Jones. Among the items submitted for review were insurance certificates, OSHA forms, and information on company administration, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), subcontractor management, and any recent incidents. ISN evaluated Wright-Pierce’s written health and safety programs as well as their in-house safety training and responses to a Health, Safety, & Environmental Questionnaire. According to Wright-Pierce Civil Infrastructure Group Leader and Vice President, Ryan Wingard, PE, the audit “allowed a third-party review of our safety programs and [based on ISN’s feedback] allowed us to upgrade our program to strengthen our company safety standards.”

Going Forward

“The intel we received through this process was priceless,” says Jones. “This audit was a great opportunity to gauge the Wright-Pierce safety program and how well it meets OSHA requirements as well as industry standards and best practices. With this information, Wright-Pierce can focus on continual improvement of our safety programs and raising our ISN score.”

If you are interested in learning more about our ISN rating and how our employees are striving for safety on your worksites, contact Wright-Pierce today.