Join Wright-Pierce as the Connecticut Section of the American Water Works Association (CTAWWA) hosts its 27th Annual Technical Conference and Vendor Exposition (ATCAVE). Technical conference classes for the day include topics related to water quality and treatment,...
Welcome 2023: A Message from John Braccio

Welcome 2023: A Message from John Braccio

As we welcome 2023, we reflect on the past 12 months and how thankful we are for our clients and colleagues who allow us to pursue our purpose to engineer a better environment. There have been significant improvements to water, wastewater, and civil infrastructure to...
CWWA/CTAWWA Fall Conference 2022

CWWA/CTAWWA Fall Conference 2022

Join Wright-Pierce’s Mariusz Jedrychowski at our exhibitor table at the CWWA/CTAWWA Fall Conference! Earn Training Credit Hours and network with water industry professionals as you learn about emerging issues confronting the water industry.