Projects to Bid

Deerfield, MA – Water Main Replacement – Greenfield Road

Project Status:
Project Location:
Deerfield, MA
General Bids Due:
Bid Opening Location:
12/11/2020 2:00 pm
82 Old Main St., Deerfield, MA 01342
Project Owner:
Deerfield Fire District
Engineer's Estimate:

Work under this contract includes, but is not limited to, the installation of approximately 3,400 linear feet of 8-inch HDPE water main. This work includes the installation of water main appurtenances, services, valves, hydrant assemblies, public and private property restoration, temporary water, installation of HDPE water main by directional drilling at stream/culvert crossings and Greenfield Rd. (Rtes. 5 & 10), disinfection and pressure testing. The time for full completion of this Contract is 150 calendar days.

Pre-Bid Conf. Date:
Pre-Bid Conf. Location:
November 20, 2020, at 10 A.M.(non-mandatory) or the meeting can be accessed by calling: +1 207-274-7872 and entering the following conference ID# 164168169
Project Engineer:
WP Project Number:
Rick Cruanes
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