Projects to Bid

Manchester, CT – WPCF Chemical Storage Building & Misc. Improvements

Project Status:
Project Location:
Manchester, CT
General Bids Due:
Bid Opening Location:
10/10/2018 2:00 pm
Office of the Director of General Services, Lincoln Center, 494 Main Street, Manchester, CT 06040
Project Owner:
Town of Manchester, CT
Engineer's Estimate:

The Contract Drawings and Specifications (i.e., documents) may be examined at the office of the Director of General Services, Lincoln Center, 494 Main Street, P.O. Box 191, Manchester, Connecticut 06045-0191 or at Wright-Pierce Engineers, 169 Main Street, 700 Plaza-2nd Floor, Middletown, CT 06457. Paper sets of the documents can be obtained upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $10.00/set in cash or check, made payable to the Town of Manchester. Paper sets of the documents will be mailed to prospective bidders upon request and receipt of a separate check for $10.00 made payable to the Town of Manchester, which will not be refunded. Contract documents may also be downloaded from the Town of Manchester website at .

The Project consists of constructing precast concrete chemical storage building with associated chemical feed pumps, interior and buried piping, electrical, mechanical and instrumentation. Other improvements include the installation of handrail around the perimeter of an 80-foot diameter final settling tank and the replacement of approximately 80 linear feet of the Manchester Landfill’s leachate condensate pump station force main including associated valves within an existing valve pit.

Pre-Bid Conf. Date:
Pre-Bid Conf. Location:
09/18/2018 10:00 am (not mandatory but encouraged)
Hockanum River WPCF, Administration Building, 120 Thrall Road, Manchester, CT
Project Engineer:
WP Project Number:
Will Edgerton
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