Projects to Bid

Norwalk, CT – Comprehensive Pump Station Upgrades

Project Status:
Project Location:
Norwalk, CT
General Bids Due:
Bid Opening Location:
03/16/2021 2:30 pm
City of Norwalk, Office of the Purchasing Agent. Due to Norwalk City Hall being closed to the public as of 03/16/2020 and you wish to hear the bid/RFP opening, please join us through a teleconference. Access Number: (866) 640-4044 or (678) 302-3554, Participant Code: 968 704
Project Owner:
City of Norwalk
Engineer's Estimate:

The project includes the comprehensive upgrade to four sewer pump stations in the City of Norwalk. Work includes the renovation of existing structures including site work, process equipment, instrumentation, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and architectural improvements and systems.

Contract documents may be obtained from The City of Norwalk’s electronic procurement bidding system.

A complete copy of the bid documents are available online through the City of Norwalk’s website via the Department of Purchasing and Central Services. Plans, Specifications, and addenda will be present in pdf format.

Prospective bidders may view the set there, download to their personal computer or print out a set at their cost.

It is the responsibility of the prospective bidder to review all sheets of the set, all specification pages and any addenda issued.

Pre-Bid Conf. Date:
Pre-Bid Conf. Location:
02/23/2021 9:00 am (mandatory)
Virtual. Site Visits to each location will occur between 1:00PM and 3:45PM that same day. Refer to City of Norwalk’s Electronic Procurement Bidding System for a Virtual Invite on or Before February 22nd, 2021.
Project Engineer:
WP Project Number:
Dennis Dievert Jr.
Directions to download or purchase paper copy sets.
  • Follow the hyperlink to the project provided at the end of the project information.
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  • You may either Download or Order a paper copy to be shipped to you from Xpress Copy.
  • If downloading, click on View Download Queue and then Proceed to Download.


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