Mar 26, 2021 | Wastewater, Firm News
Wright-Pierce was the recipient of a 2021 Gold Engineering Excellence Award from American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), New Hampshire Chapter, for our role in helping the Town of Exeter upgrade their wastewater treatment facility (WWTF). Located along the...
Mar 14, 2021 | Drinking Water, Wastewater, Water Resources, Civil Engineering & Community Development
On Thursday March 11th, President Biden signed into law a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief stimulus bill. Much of the funding is to help offset COVID pandemic impacts to individuals and families and for other COVID response initiatives. However, the bill also includes...
Mar 1, 2021 | Drinking Water
The Kittery Water District’s (District) 1960 Conventional Water Treatment Plant had aging process equipment with a potential for failure of critical systems. The 5 million gallon per day (MGD) facility is a vital piece of infrastructure, supplying the Portsmouth Naval...
Dec 15, 2020 | Wastewater, Firm News
Wright-Pierce was the recipient of an Engineering Excellence Award from American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), Maine Chapter, for our role in helping the Town of East Millinocket convert a large paper mill lagoon treatment plant into a system to treat...