Join Wright-Pierce as the Connecticut Section of the American Water Works Association (CTAWWA) hosts its 25th Annual Technical Conference and Vendor Exposition (ATCAVE). Hosted virtually through Map-Dynamics this year, the 3-day event will featured technical...
A New Year’s Message from John Braccio

A New Year’s Message from John Braccio

As we ring in the New Year for Wright-Pierce and our clients, we reflect upon the challenging year that has passed and how fortunate we are. We are still in the midst of a global pandemic, racial injustice, and time of political unrest; Wright-Pierce’s response to...
Wellness for an Aging Collection System

Wellness for an Aging Collection System

Wastewater collection and transport systems are critical components of a community’s infrastructure. Effective management of these systems minimizes costs and optimizes treatment efficiency by reducing infiltration and inflow (I/I), controlling pump station...