Dec 15, 2020 | Wastewater, Firm News
Wright-Pierce was the recipient of an Engineering Excellence Award from American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), Maine Chapter, for our role in helping the Town of East Millinocket convert a large paper mill lagoon treatment plant into a system to treat...
Nov 20, 2020 | Wastewater
Wastewater collection and transport systems are critical components of a community’s infrastructure. Effective management of these systems minimizes costs and optimizes treatment efficiency by reducing infiltration and inflow (I/I), controlling pump station...
Oct 26, 2020 | Drinking Water
As regulations for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) continue to be developed across the US, this article provides an update of their continued development and newly proposed regulations. Most recently, this fall, MassDEP published its finalized PFAS maximum...
Sep 14, 2020 | Drinking Water
The New England Water Works Association will be hosting their 139th Annual Conference presented virtually this year. This fully virtual format with events and sessions taking place on September 21, 22, and 23 includes access to the live-streamed opening general...